Why Domestic Violence Arrests Go Up During the Winter
Normally, summertime produces more violent crime and wintertime produces more property crime. Arrests for simple assaults after bar fights tend to peak in the summer, when more people are out enjoying the nice weather in the evenings. Violent robberies are also more common in the summer. Even in Texas, where our winters are fairly mild, a lot of people prefer to stay inside during the coldest months. The one type of violent crime that does often spike during the winter is domestic violence.
Family violence tends to escalate during the winter months when couples and families are spending more time at home together. Family violence arrests are often the result of a simple argument that got out of hand. People who are arrested for domestic violence often do not meet the stereotypical image of a habitual abuser but simply got into a fight that escalated a little too much. If you are facing domestic violence charges, you need a skilled Parker County, TX family violence lawyer to fight for you.
Substance Abuse Can Peak in the Winter
It is exceptionally common for people who have substance abuse disorders to be arrested for domestic violence. Substances like alcohol can increase aggression and inhibit self-control. During the winter, people tend to drink at home rather than in bars. This can mean that people drink more or more frequently. Common issues like seasonal depression can also have an impact on people with pre-existing substance abuse disorders. These issues can lead to disputes between members of the same household. It is important to remember that domestic violence in Texas is not limited to intimate partner violence - you could be charged with this offense for assaulting a platonic roommate or family member.
Lack of Time Apart Can Escalate Conflicts
Once the holidays are over, many families are left struggling with credit card debt or unresolved conflicts that began during the holidays. When the business of the holiday season is over, there is often a shortage of social events and reasons to go out. Families who are trying to save money generally go out less, leading to even more time spent at home together. Solutions like going for a walk to cool off during a fight are less practical. Conflicts may escalate instead of being resolved under these circumstances.
Contact a Weatherford, TX Defense Attorney
Soraya Joslin, P.C. is dedicated to providing the best criminal defense possible to people accused of domestic violence. Experienced Parker County, TX family violence lawyer Soraya Joslin will fight for you. Contact us at 817-599-7005 for a complimentary consultation.